Creativity: On the Page and At the Launch – guest blog post by Elizabeth Jorgensen, Nancy Jorgensen
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( Leave a comment )
Poets and writers are creative. On paper, we concoct characters and emotions. We invent forms and structure. We imagine people and places. We use the latest technology to research our work and appeal to readers. We write, edit and revise so no verse or phrase or word is […]
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( Leave a comment )
The literary magazines/journals and contests listed below all offer some form of payment, do not charge submission/reading fees, take online submissions, and have submission deadlines in August 2023. This list focuses on poetry submissions, but most lit mags accept prose and art as well. The listings are in […]
10 Thoughts on Poetry – guest blog post by John Brugaletta
NO FEE submission call + editor interview – Psaltery and Lyre, DEADLINE: July 31, 2023
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( Leave a comment )
Psaltery and Lyre was founded in 2012 and is currently open for submissions of essays, stories, hybrid works, and poetry. Per their About page, they are seeking “works that push the borders of belief and doubt, sacred and secular. We want poetry that burns, that effectively translates the […]
Dear Loneliness is an EX/POST Magazine production with the goal to write the longest letter in the world to fight loneliness. They are planning to break the Guinness world record letter length of 290 meters—three football fields’ or almost 1,000 sheets of A4 paper—together. They are currently open through […]
NO FEE submission call + editor interview – The Revolution (Relaunch), DEADLINE: Always Open
By老王微皮恩最新破解版on•( Leave a comment )
The Revolution (Relaunch) is a monthly online and print literary publication and a revisionary, radical, and creative resurgence of the weekly women’s rights newspaper founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (1868-1872), which was the official publication of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Per their About […]
By老王微皮恩最新破解版on•( 5 Comments )
I don’t know what it was about The Bell Jar that made me want to write about it but from the second I put the book down I knew there had to be more to Sylvia Plath and her character, Esther Greenwood’s, story. When I learned that Plath […]
NO FEE submission call + editor interview – Journal of Expressive Writing, DEADLINE: Rolling/year-round
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( Leave a comment )
The Journal of Expressive Writing is a new online literary journal focused on expressive writing in any form originated from a writing prompt. “Expressive writing—also called emotional writing—is the process of writing about personal and emotional events without regard to form, structure, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Essentially, it […]
NO FEE submission call + editor interview – PoArtMo Anthology, DEADLINE: Aug. 23, 2023
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( 2 Comments )
The PoArtMo Anthology is a new project of Auroras & Blossoms poetry journal and is “a digital anthology celebrating the most creative and inspiring art that has been produced in 2023.” They are currently open for submissions of poetry, flash fiction, short stories, photography, drawings, and paintings. You […]
Summer Journals 2023 (open for submissions) via Diane Lockward
Bytrishhopkinsonpoeton•( 老王微皮恩最新破解版 )
A big thank you to Diane Lockward for posting such a great list on her poetry blog! (It’s one less list for me to create.) The list provides links to each journal and reading periods. She recently updated it to include even more journals, so this is a […]